From: Muguet Bradbury
Subject: Thank you ...Thank you...Thank you!
I am sending you this email to thank you with all my heart for
creating the pedal magic video. My 36 year old husband was
convinced he would never ride a bike. He had tried as a child
and was unsuccessful. Now that we have two daughters (one who
learned without pedalmagic and one who will learn soon with
pedal magic!!!!), he wanted to try again. We bought a bike and I
tried to teach him the hard way (running along side him, trial
and error, etc.). All he got was bruises and frustration.
Then we ordered the pedal magic video. I watched it and the
simplicity of it brought me to tears. I vowed to try it with
him. We went out to the school parking lot and within 25 minutes
he was riding the bike! Since he's much bigger than I am, I had
to use some of the alternate methods, but they worked just as
well as the one for children.
Thank you so much again...we will always be grateful that he
learned how to ride from pedal magic!
Muguet Bradbury
Lawrenceville, GA
From: Kolb, Fredric R.
Subject: RE: Note on your Pedal Magic order
The note went on to say that he is a bit of a
"chicken" about biking, but that I could relate
because when I tried to learn to snowboard [one absolute
complete failure!] I was thinking about how I would fall as soon
as I was in position to start.
Not surprisingly the Pedal Magic method worked just as you
promised. It has to work because it completely captures the
process that is fundamental to biking. As a professor, I am in
awe of your ability to capture the essence of a complex activity
and transform it into easy to follow
Thanks for bringing happiness to my wife and I and great
satisfaction to our son. Now if you will just do a
SnowboardMagic tape, you will be my hero for life!
Fred Kolb
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
From: Kevin Rochlin
Subject: Unbelievable
I cannot believe how well this system worked. I am an
engineer, and when the movie got to the physics of the system, I
could not believe how simple the idea was. I also realized that
I would never have thought of it. My son was up and riding
within 15 minutes... To remedy that, we played Jedi with a yard
stick... After doing that for about a minute, we were back in
the saddle, and following the system were on our way. Thank you.
Kevin Rochlin
Seattle, Washington
From: Gary Hopkins
Subject: Pedalmagic works........!
I just wanted to relay my experience with your product
"pedalmagic". My girlfriend is from Thailand and has
never ridden a bicycle. I have been trying to teach her for
several months now with very little success. I recently bought
her a bicycle for her 40th birthday hoping it would inspire her
to want to try harder to learn. After several failed attempts
and sensing her increasing disappointment I decided to search
the internet for help and stumbled across
"pedalmagic". I was skeptical but I thought "what
the heck", I'll risk $20. to see if it works.
My girlfriend and I watched the video first, we rented a
small bike to practice with. We practiced the two exercises
exactly as suggested in the video, I started her out with the
launch.......and she rode. Just a little to begin with, but she
progressed quickly! She wanted to ride her own bike so we took
the rental back and she started on her own bike. We went slow
and practiced the exercises a couple more times. Within an hour
she was going on her own and she was smiling and enjoying
herself. She still has a little difficulty starting on her own
but even that is improving rapidly.
I didn't really expect the video to work as well as it does
and she didn't think she would learn as fast as she has. The
bottom line is, Pedalmagic works EXACTLY as you said it would. I
would recommend it to ANYONE who is going to teach someone to
ride or who wants to learn themselves. Thanks again.
Gary J. Hopkins
Seattle, WA.
From: Paul Hilbink
Subject: Wow - a satisfied customer
Dear Pedal Magic:
I was fascinated but skeptical when I saw the website. But I
had heard great things about the video, so I ponied up my $19.00
and took it home from the local bike shop.
My son watched the video once last night. We went to our
local school this afternoon and he practiced on his bike for 5
minutes. After that I launched him. I ran along side him for
10-15 feet and then realized I wasn't hanging onto his bike, so
I stopped and watched him pedal around the parking lot for the
next 15 minutes.
This video is worth every penny. The technique is so simple -
as an avid cyclist for the last 35 years it made perfect sense
to me. And it obviously made sense to my son - he can hardly
wait for tomorrow so he can ride some more. The grin on his face
was worth it ten times over!
Thanks so much for a product that actually works.
Paul Hilbink
Denver, CO
From: Ashwin R...
Subject: Thank you Pedal Magic
Dear Pedal Magic,
This summer, my wife decided to learn biking for the first
time in her life. So we bought a comfort bike and I started to
teach her. She is in her mid 20s and has found it extremely
difficult to even balance the bike. I have also found it
difficult to teach her to balance. After a few attempts, I
concluded that it would take a lot of effort by me and all
summer long for her to learn to balance and bike around. She
came across your website and after reading a few testimonials,
we decided to buy the Pedal Magic video cassette. We got the
cassette yesterday and watched the short 15 mins video. At
first, I wasn't sure how it would help her but once she
practiced the exercises as seen on the video for about 10 mins,
she could balance herself and started to bike short distances
almost immediately. This has immensly boosted her confidence to
bike and I'm sure she will get better at biking very soon. I am
very proud of her and thankful to Pedal Magic for helping her
get the balance and confidence to bike. Thanks once again.
Ashwin R... , Akron, Ohio
Note on order from customer:
Because we lived in apartments until our daugter was school
aged she never had the opportunity to ride even a trike. Now at
almost 9 she is afriad to ride a two wheeler and I am not
looking forward to trying to run beside her as I don't think I
would be able to hold her up. She told me today she is
embarrassed that she cannot ride and I went to the web to
research some solutions. We both have our fingers crossed that
this will work.
----- Original Message -----
From: rebecca e...
Dear Pedal Magic,
I am an 8 year old girl, almost 9, and did not know how to ride
a bike. Then my mom bought me a used bike that was smaller and
easy to reach the ground. We watched the video and went out and
tried the exercises in the back yard. Two days later we watched
the video again and I took my bike out and practiced the
exercises one more time at a parking lot. Then my mom launched
me and I thought she was still hanging on because she was
jogging beside me but I saw her shadow and that her hands were
not on my bike and I was so surprised that I stopped pedalling!
It took about 5 more launches before I knew that I could ride
across the parking lot by myself. My mom said she could not
believe that 10 minutes after getting to the parking lot I was
riding by myself.
I've been out 6 times so far and have never fallen, and can
already launch myself on flat ground.I am really, really glad I
can ride my bike and I am not embarrassed any more. Now I just
have to practice learning to steer straight on a sidewalk!
Wendla S.
P.S. from mom - I admit to some apprehension when I saw the
video was only 17 minutes long and the first section seemed
primarily about copyright. It is amazing to me that on the first
day out, after using ... for about 1 minute, she needed only a
few launches to get going. I suspect my own nervousness in
letting go actually impeded her initially as I hung on with my
fingertips more than I needed. She asks to go out to the parking
lot every night and is obviously pleased with her success. Thank
Rebecca E. [,Guelph, Ontario, Canada]
From: Keith H...
Dear Usha and Reginald,
I would like to order 2 copies of Pedal Magic.
No. of copies: 2
Georgetown, TX 78626
My daughter is 11 and learned to ride a bike today in 10
minutes after watching Pedal Magic. We were thrilled. I have
tried to teach her off and on for 6 years, and never had any
luck. She's had three different new bikes. But after watching
the video after my step-daughter had learned from it a few weeks
ago, it worked like a charm.
You have a great discovery here, and the story of opposition
from the bike industry on your website is amazing. I only hope
that for other frustrated parents out there like I was that more
people in the media will pick up on your video.
--Keith [, Georgetown, Texas]
From: David S. S...
Subject: Pedal Magic testimonial
OK here's another testimonial for your archives. After
several very modestly successful attempts at teaching my 7 year
old to ride, I bought your tape. Always suspect about things
purchased sight unseen over the internet I figured for $19 what
the heck.
My daughter and I watched the video this morning, did the
exercises as directed, and indeed within 10 minutes she was
riding. She now has the confidence to practice and become more
and more comfortable with her bike.
Thanks for a great product.
David S. S...
Hanover, New Hampshire
From: steve.e...
Subject: Pedal Magic
Hi & a big thank you,
I live in England and recently purchased Pedal Magic. It
arrived promptly and I watched it once.
1 hour later my son (aged 8) and I (too old to disclose) were
at the school playground. I followed the instructions, as did my
son, and 15 minutes later he was riding unaided.
2 weeks later my son has a new bike and a new found
If you're not already selling it in the UK, then maybe you
should be. In fact I wouldn't mind the opportunity myself; how
does one become a reseller?
Kind Regards
Steve E [Baldock, HERTFORDSHIRE, United Kingdom]
Subject: pedal magic customer
I just wanted to say thankyou for teaching my five year old
son how to ride a bike! I really did not think that it would
work, but I thought, "what the heck, it is
gaurenteed." We watched the video, did the exercises, and
about 2 minutes later- our son could PERFECTLY ride a bike! He
has had training wheels on all his bikes since he was 2 years
old, but he learned without them because of this video. It was
definately the best $20 I ever spent. I have been telling all my
friends to order a video too! It was so relieving to finally
throw those training wheels away! It was also reassuring that he
NEVER fell down! No scratched up knees or elbows! He just got on
and rode! Thanks again!
Wendy [Daniel]
from Cortez, Colorado
From: DAVID S....
Dear Pedal Magic,
I bought your tape in Denver after seeing it on the internet.
My wife is from the Philippines and had never ridden a bike in
her life. I do a lot of long distance road riding, and my wife
finally wanted to learn to ride to spend time with me. I did the
old hold her while she learned to ride and we got nowhere. It's
hard to teach a 35 year old how to ride without knowing really
what to do. The same day I went out and got pedal magic. We had
to teach her on a high performance road bike even though the
tape suggested not to, so it took a bit longer, but within a
half an hour she was riding her bike!! Pedal Magic saved me and
my wife a lot of time and frustration. She says the exercises in
the tape really helped her to learn to balance. She has a lot to
learn still, but she now knows how to ride and keep her balance
on a bike that's higher than normal and has thin tires. Thanks a
Dave and Jenny S...[, Denver, Colorado]
From: Roosevelt E. L...
Subject: Praise
I returned from vacation overseas (Holland) and was quite
impressed with the usage of bicycles as a primary means of
transportation. As an adult unable to ride a bicycle - it was a
catalyst to immediately learn.
I purchased my Pedal Magic video from a local retailer a few
months back, watched it and never executed. Upon returning from
vacation - I decided to pop in the tape and borrow a bicycle to
practice. I completed the first phase in the privacy of my home,
completed the second phase with the assistance of a larger
friend (not as simple as a full grown adult) which lasted
approximately 10 minutes, completed the final phase in
approximately five minutes.
This product works - take it from me a 30 something adult who
doesn't believe in any quick fix solutions (only purchased this
video because of the guarantee) - who can now ride a ten speed
bicycle after 20 minutes thanks to this video. As a single adult
city resident - I highly doubt I would've modified a bicycle
with training wheels to accommodate me nor embarrassment in the
crowded local parks. This video allowed me to learn quickly and
blend into the rest of the world. Thanks Pedal Magic!
EL[, New York, New York]
From: "Ushar Enterprises Inc"
Subject: Note on your Pedal Magic order
We saw the following note on your order:
Two days ago our family went with my daughter and I to watch
her learn to ride a bike. I ran and ran until I was mad and she
was disappointed almost to the point of crying. I look frward to
it being a good experience. Thank you in advance.
Hope this turns out to be a drastically different experience
for everyone! Since your daughter has developed training wheels
dependency, you may have to get her to do the remedial exercises
as described on the video.
Thanks and best regards,
Usha & Reginald Joules
Ushar Enterprises Inc
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott & Lisa S...
Subject: What a day!
We recieved our video today at noon. By the time school let
out, my 5 year old could ride a bicycle and we brought a
cheering group (including my eight year old) from the elementary
as Jane (5 yr old) showed off her new found talent. Last Sunday
I was so frustrated I wondered why I even bothered. Tonight I
had to beg her to stop riding because we had to go home and get
to bed. Thank you so much. If you have any videos on potty
training let me know. : )
-Scott[, Murray, Utah]
From: Donna S...
Subject: Your Product Is WONDERFUL!!!!
Dear Sirs;
My name is Donna S..., I have an eight year old son that my
husband and I despaired of ever learning to ride a bicycle.
After a search of help for training kids to ride a bike, we got
your site, we were skeptical but desperate. Your training tape
arrived in just two days of ordering, we sat down with our
children (ages 8 and two 5 year old twins) and we all watched
the video. The next day our son went out to his bike and did the
... exercises, then he got on his bike.....and RODE IT!!!!! I
can't thank you enough for your product. We'll tell everyone we
hear about having trouble with a child riding a bike, to visit
your site and order the video.
Have you ever considered contacting the QVC shopping network
with your product? Anything that works as well as this training
video needs to be available to the public.
Thank you so very much!
Donna S...
7... Grove St
West Point MS 39773
Note on customer order:
We have a nervous trainer wheel dependent son who will not
play out because all his friends can already ride. With a long
vacation looming it will be great to have him riding and
independent. Thanks in hopeful anticipation
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Ai...
Dear Reginald,
I was skeptical regarding the Pedal Magic claims but am a
complete convert. After 15 minutes my 6 year old son Alex (this
is his email address) was riding unaided. After 2 weekends
riding alone he is now happy to be out in the street with his
friends. Fantastic. His 4 year old brother starts the programme
next week.
Stuart Ai...
PE28 0UN
United Kingdom
Subject: IT WORKS !
I honestly had my doubts about this video, but it works! I
originally came upon this website because I was frustrated and
was looking for a school or instructor who teaches children
bicycle riding. My husband is deceased and although my son is
only 6 years old and small in size, he was too heavy for me to
handle... My son also needed extra practice because he was a
victim of training wheels. Together we watched Pedal Magic
twice, and during spring break we visited my parents. My son and
I brought along Pedal Magic. We all watched the video together
and my father assisted my son with ... in two short sessions...
After two launches my son became a bicycle rider... My dad and I
found ourselves jumping up and down screaming. A very special
moment indeed. Before Pedal Magic my son and I both would tire
quickly and most importantly my son became discouraged. The day
of our launch we had to make him stop. Now we look forward to
bicycle riding, thanks to Pedal Magic.
[Alison D..., Asheville, North Carolina]
From: Val A...
Subject: Pedal Magic Success
Dear Pedal Magic,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. We have struggled for two
years trying to get our son over his fear of riding. Your
techniques gave him the confidence that the "School of Hard
Knocks" never did. We received the video on Saturday and
watched it with our son on Sunday morning, and off we went to
the local public school playground.
He completed the first two exercises in the first five
minutes. As we attempted "The Launch", I noticed that
he was favoring one side and had him practice ... I turned my
attention away for not more than five seconds and when I looked
back at him, he was riding all over the playground. Later that
afternoon, our entire family went on a six mile ride.
I can't thank you enough for showing us this simple way of
achieving this milestone in our child's life, and bringing the
joy of bicycling to our family. I will forever preach the
benefits of your program.
Respectfully yours,
Val J. A...
Burbank, California
From: "Ushar Enterprises Inc"
To: []
Subject: Note on your Pedal Magic order
Hi Nancy,
Saw the following note on your order:
I (Mom) am getting involved in cycling and was searching the web
for info on buying a road bike for myself. My six year old
daughter has had many frustrations with trying to ride,she gets
scared when her training wheels slip (frequently) and I have
considered buying a replacement pair while my husband thinks
they need to come off. I cried while reading the testimonials. I
order this with high hopes! I think my 3 1/2 year old son might
be ready too! Nancy
Reading your note made me want to go back and look at the
testimonials. Many of them are very touching, aren't they? It
reminded us how fortunate we are to be blessed with this
opportunity to touch so many families in a very positive way.
Hope you received the package okay and that everything is going
as expected.
Thanks and best regards,
Reginald and Usha Joules
Ushar Enterprises Inc
From: Tim H...
Subject: Fw: Note on your Pedal Magic order
15 minutes, that's all it took! We watched the video twice, did
the exercises, and on Monday headed for a parking lot. She did
the exercises again and within 10-15 minutes of launching was
riding all on her own. The first two hours she favored the right
and we briefly tried to get her to do the remedial exercises but
she wouldn't stop. After we made her stop for lunch we got back
out there and within another hour she was making left turns as
Two weeks ago she said, "what's the big deal about riding a
bike?!". On Monday she said, "now I see why you like
it (riding a bike) so much!" She rode every day until
yesterday when it rained. She's out on paths now and doing
great! My 3 1/2 year old wouldn't do the exercises but watching
his sister motivated him to practice on his bike and we took his
training wheels off too. He's getting there, slowly but surely.
Thank you! We've told several people to visit
Nancy [H..., Houston, Texas]
From: Elaine P...
Subject: Thanks
Hi Pedalmagic,
Thank you! I ordered the video for my 7 year old son. He
couldn't seem to get his balance on his bike no matter how hard
we tried or how long we practiced. We watched the video
together, he practiced while he watched TV, and this morning we
went to a large parking lot. We did one last practice ... and he
took off immediately, riding solo. He spent three hours riding
his bike today without any help. He's so proud of himself and so
are we. Thank you for this ingenious method - it really is a
paradigm shift.
My husband is calling a friend of his who is a former
professional cyclist and now owns a bike shop to encourage him
to stock the video and I've already told a friend to buy the
video instead of training wheels for the bike she's buying her
son for Christmas. Good luck with this! You deserve to be
enormously successful.
Thanks again,
Elaine P...
Los Angeles [, California]
From: Hugh & Doreen S...
Subject: The Pedal Magic System is great
I just wanted to pass along my thanks for your Pedal Magic
system. My wife was one of those 1-in-9 Americans that hadn't
learned to ride a bike. Now that our kids are of riding age, it
was time for my wife to learn as well so that we could take
family bike rides. I had been trying to teach her to ride myself
using the "just pedal straight, honey" technique and
it just wasn't working.
We ordered and watched the Pedal Magic tape and applied the
techniques. The results were nothing short of miraculous! After
just 3 minutes of the training techniques the tape suggests, she
was taking her first tentative ride all on her own! After that
first day she's been on riding on her own and getting better at
it everyday.
Thanks for your's brought a very positive change to
our family!
- Hugh S...[, Weston, Massachusetts]
From: "Margaret A S..."
Subject: another pedal magic success story
Dear Pedal Magic,
Please add us to the list of very satisfied customers. My
eight year old daughter had tried many times to ride a bike but
with no success. She was unable to keep up with her friends (all
of whom were already riding a bike) and was becoming angry with
herself because she could not ride a bike. She actually tried to
sell her bike because she felt she would never get to ride it
and felt someone else might be able to use it.
Her Occupational Therapist told us about Pedal Magic and said
it really was indeed magic. We watched the video once on a
Saturday night and once more on Sunday morning. It seemed too
easy. But we went out and gave it our best shot. Twelve minutes
later, my daughter was off and riding! This morning she got up
at 6 AM and was ready to ride.
Thank you for allowing my daughter to meet with success so
easily. It really is magic.
Thank you,
Meg S...[, Toms River, New Jersey]
From: []
Subject: RE: PEDAL MAGIC ORDER [5...]
Dear Usha,
I thought I would just give you an update on our progress and
thank you for the video. My daughter had reached a stage at the
age of eight where her friends could ride bikes and she was
loosing face because she couldn't. Her confidence had been
knocked and this came across as a total refusal to want to learn
to ride.
Once we received the video I sat down with her and watched
it. Afterwards she was enthusiastic to start. Unfotunately the
rain here in the UK has been relentlous and so we had to wait
until the next day to find a suitable car park to practice in.
We did all the excercises as shown and within 20 minutes she was
balancing and riding on her own. This had the major advantage of
restoring her confidence and within four half hour sessions she
was steering the bike and starting and stopping on her own.
We have just come back from a fantastic weekend in the Peak
District where the two of us were cycling along tracks in the
hills of Derbyshire - a day I thought would never happen!
many thanks,
Derek S... [United Kingdom]
From: S..., Paula
Subject: Wonderful results!
I just wanted to say a huge "Thank you!" After much
frustration from previous attempts, my nine-year-old daughter
learned to ride her bike last night...what a thrill! After we
watched your video and practiced the exercises, the actual
riding came so quickly. This morning she is still beaming from
her accomplishment... and that is priceless. You've given her a
wondering gift....thanks!
[Paula S, Iowa City, Iowa]
Greg Rodriguez
Subject: Thank You!!!
Just a couple of weeks ago, I decided that it was time to get
my 5 year old daughter, to try to ride her bike without the
training wheels. It was quite the scene. I was running along the
side holding onto the bike and to make a long story short: I got
tired and frustrated and she got frustrated and started losing
confidence in her previous ability. I decided that I needed to
put the training wheels back on for awhile.
Well, the next week we were out, I saw a child that was a
little younger than my daughter and he was riding like it was
I knew there had to be some tips or lessons on the internet
and so I went searching. Well, I found "Pedal Magic"
and to tell you the truth, I was very skeptical but I thought,
"Hey, it comes with an unconditional guarantee, what do I
have to lose?"
We bought the video online, received it a few days later and
watched it that night. My daughter was very intent on watching.
Right after the video, we went out to the back porch and took
off her training wheels forever!
We started her excercises that night. Just for about 5
minutes. The next night, another 5 minutes. She was doing them
so well, I decided to take the next day off from the office, so
that we could do the "launch".
A quick review on one of the excercises and it was launch
WOW! I held her seat for about four steps and then let go and
she was off! :o) I couldn't get over how effective your method
works! She rode the entire length of the parking lot.
I took her out again later that day and she was
starting/stopping herself, making right turns, left turns and
doing figure eights. When her mom got home from work, the three
of us went out again and all I did was pull the bike out of the
trunk and handed it to my daughter. She hopped on and took off!
I thought her mom was going to cry. :o)
We can't thank you enough for this product. I've already told
several people and will continue to forward them to your site.
Thank you so much,
The Rodriguez Family[, Chandler, AZ]
From: Charley S... - Personal []
Subject: PedalMagic
Hi Mickey,
Just wanted to let you know we received the PedalMagic tape
on Friday, looked at it Friday night and started Saturday
morning. My 5 1/2 year old daugther was riding on 2 wheels
within about 30 minutes. She had been on training wheels for
over a year, but we got through all the excercises pretty
easily. We had tried the old fashion way of me holding the bike
and running with her once before and it was a disaster (a lot of
crying - me and her). The method in this tape was easy on both
of us. Worth every penny...
Thanks again, Charley S, [Kentucky]
Subject: From a customer
... I've been meaning to write to you to tell you how
WONDERFUL your video was. I managed to teach my 3 year old to
learn how to "2-wheel". When I go jogging at the park,
people can't help but stare at this little guy on a little 2
wheeler. It's very "fun". It took us more than 2
weeks, a little at a time... doing the drills a little longer. I
also taught him to use his feet to hold up the bike by letting
him watch t.v. only if he sat on his bike. It was an adventure.
Thank you so much.
Charissa H...[, Baltimore, Maryland]
Updating Mar 15, 2023: Customer Charissa H had sent this picture along with her feedback (Monday, June 9, 2008), but had requested that we not post it online. Naturally, we had honored her request. Since that was 15 years ago, we are hoping it would be okay to post the picture now. Our records no longer have contact information for the customer.
From: A..., Jeffrey []
Subject: RE: Dear Pedal Magic customer
Your video worked. After watching your video with me, my 7
year old daughter instantly overcame her fear and was motivated
to do it. Your video gave her a "game-plan" for
success. She was riding within a few hours. Many thanks.
Jeffrey S. A... [, St. Paul, Minnesota]
From: Andrea O... []
Subject: RE: Dear Pedal Magic customer
Dear Ushar,
...Your video was a lifesaver. For two years my husband and I
had been frustrated with my son's inability to even consider
riding a bike. Every time we brough it up (he's 7) we'd hear
moaning how every other kid could ride but him. When we'd ask
him to got out and practice, he'd flately refuse. After one
session with the video and one outside, that all changed. One
week after his viewing of the video, Drew was doing the bike
trails around our home with ease. These range from 6 to 8 miles.
Two weeks ago, we went to Vermont and did roads and paths of 8
to 12 miles everyday. He kept up and he loved it.
Thanks you for giving a wonderful activity that the whole
family can and does enjoy. And it's all your fault!
Andrea O...[,Bloomfield, Connecticut]
From: Beverly R... []
Subject: At Last...
I am one of those adults whose attempts at learning to ride a
bicycle as a child was a failure. More recent attempts where
friends tried to hold the bike steady while I pedaled also
resulted in failure. Though, according to your video and
website, one out of nine adults are unable to ride a bike, there
is a surprising dearth of instruction for novice bicycle
training. As a matter of fact, your video was the only
instructional aid that I found on the web that was not either
training wheels or some other equipment that must be installed
on the bike.
I was hopeful but geared for disappointment when I ordered
the pedalmagic video. I watched and completed some of the
exercises that did not require assistance of a second person.
Indeed, I would sit on my bicycle in front of the television and
practice one exercise explained in the video. Today was the day
of reckoning. It was my first opportunity to use the method in a
parking lot. After a few false starts, I was actually
pedaling...all over the lot...but still pedaling.
I committed to spending one half hour a day with a goal of
successfully balancing by Labor Day. I simply didn't believe
that I could do something in five minutes where previous
attempts have been total failures. Well, it happened. I was
balancing very quickly and ended up spending the majority of my
one half hour allotted time practicing other techniques like
stopping and moderating my pace. However, the BIG issue,
balancing, took about 10 minutes, if that.
Thanks very much for creating the video. I am definitely a
satisfied customer.
Beverly R [Arlington, Virginia]
From: Lisa H... []
Subject: Re: [5124...] Authorization of $25.00 Y:...
Hi. Add me to your testimonial list!!!! I thought that I was
going to be in for a lot of back breaking and tears finally
teaching my 8 year old son to ride. We decided to try the pedal
magic tape and to my absolute amazement, it work as advertised.
A few minutes trying the recommended exercises and away he went.
Seeing how excited my son was when he realized that he could
ride is something that I will always cherish.
Best regards,
Scott H [Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania]
July 6, 2000
From: Kim H. W... []
Subject: It worked!
Our eight (almost nine) year old daughter had tried for
several years to learn to ride her bike. We had tried the old
methods of training wheels, no training wheels, running along
side her trying to keep her balance. Mostly, we had just
procrastinated because she was never receptive to giving it
another try. Finally, I decided to search the internet for some
suggestions for teaching her that would be less painful to all
of us.
I found the Pedal Magic website in my search. It sounded too
good to be true. But with all her friends riding their bike so
easily, I was desperate to help her. So with great skepticism, I
ordered the video tape. When the video arrived (within just a
few days), we discussed with our daughter and her six year old
brother that we had a video on bike riding that we wanted to
watch together. On Saturday, we watched and again on Sunday,
which was Father's Day. We planned to take the children to our
office where we have a large, open parking lot as suggested. In
preparing to go, my husband removed the training wheels off our
son's bike and went through the techniques with him. As he began
the techniques with our daughter, our son took off on his bike!
No falls, no practice, no help launching! This was before we
even got in the truck to take them to the office! Once we got to
the parking lot, our son was off without any hesitation. Our
daughter, certainly not to be outdone by her younger brother,
was determined and encouraged. And after working the techniques
with her, in just a few short minutes, she was riding her bike
at last!! We felt overwhelmed with emotion. The look on her face
was priceless!! What a great Father's Day present for Dad!! She
told us later that she had asked God to help her. What great
reward it is when He answers the prayers of His children so
Your techniques accomplished exactly what was promised. Thank
you for being a means to help in this area which can be so
critical in the development of self-confidence and self-esteem.
May the Lord continue to bless your business.
Kim W...
Grand Prairie, Texas
From: Shanthi S... []
Subject: Yet another success story
As guaranteed, I managed to start cycling on my own after the
2nd Launch attempt. It was truly amazing as I have never cycled
in my life and have wanted to do so for the past 25 years! Thank
you for your brilliant video. A simple concept that works so
Thank you once again.
Shanthi [, East Sussex, United Kingdom]
From: Catherine V... []
Subject: RE: Pedal Magic
...And now, let me tell you what I thought about the tape.
First of all, ... was frightened to view either one. So
frightened that I hid them away, in order not see or think about
them. Face it, this was my last chance to get my daughter on
wheels. If it didn't work, and believe me I thought it must be a
gimmick, that was it. So I ignored the issue until one day in
April, when out of sheer frustration from seeing that bike
gathering dust, I told my daughter that we had to try. So we
watched the tape and I realized that we were doing everything
wrong... I compromised by finding a big parking lot (not an easy
task on such a small island). Doing things strictly by the tape
(except the size issue), I have to admit that I didn't expect
anything. As a mechanical engineer, I appreciated the validity
of the premises, but as a mother, I was still convinced she
would just fall again. But, in 5 minutes, she was riding. I
cried. She was a bit wobbly, so I went and bought the smaller
bike, and then she was flying. It was the most beautiful thing.
As I said before, I have been meaning to email you with our
story ..., but I had some difficulty putting into words exactly
how great this system is, and time went on.
We thank you.
Catherine and Marie V...[, Cyprus]
From: Mark E... []
Subject: Thanks! and an FYI
Thank you very much!!! I recently (order #5124291) purchased
your tape. This past Saturday I watched the tape and started
working with my 6 year old son, whom I thought had an incurable
training wheel dependency. Sunday afternoon he was riding. You
can't imagine (or maybe you can) how proud he was (me too).
As an FYI - I saw a report about Pedal Magic on 9 News last
year, and I kind of thought it was from Mark Koebrich. I have
been looking for this for several months, but I could not
remember the name of your company.
I could NOT find any reference by searching the 9KUSA web
site for "bicycle". I eventually found you by
searching Alta-Vista. You can try yourself to search for either "bicycle" or
"ushar". You should ask KUSA to fix that.
Thanks again, Mark E [, Aurora, Colorado]
From: Don S... []
Subject: HOORAY
What a great product. My 6 yr old daughter was riding on the
first launch. She has been using training wheels for about 2
years. We followed the instructions on the video and SHAZAM, she
was thrilled and so pleased with herself.
Thank you.
[Don S, Littleton, Colorado]
A little background on this one about a 4-year old may make
it more relevant to you...
From: Ushar [mailto:"Ushar Enterprises Inc"]
Subject: Pedal Magic
We read the following comment on your order:
I'm skeptical of course... We were at the park yesterday... when
I heard another little boy making fun of him because he was
riding with training wheels. That really broke my heart... He is
big for his age and looks about 6 years old so it's even worse.
He is so afraid of falling. I just hope that he gives this video
a chance.
We had to take the time out to send you an email.
... because Pedal Magic is not magic, but sheer science...
the core exercises should do the trick, so you may want to
consider putting him through them in the basement or garage
where other kids won't see him go through the conditioning
From: []
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out to
email me on my comment. I also wanted to tell you that we got
the video in the mail yesterday. We, my son & I, watched it
together and did the exercises in the house. He did great... We
then took him to our church parking lot to do the launch. It was
a little shaky at first. But then all of a sudden he just
started to going. He got about two "fair" launches in
before it started to rain. We went home and he wanted to watch
the video again. Then after my husband came home from work my
son wanted to show his Daddy how good he did today. We went back
out to the church parking lot and he did absolutely
terrific!!... He is so proud and so excited!!! --And so are we!
Thank you so much for this video. I think it's the best $25.00
that we have spent. I will be sure to send the copied article to
our local news station and make another copy to send to our
newspaper. You have a wonderful gift to give the world. A gift
of pleasure, excitement, and most of all confidence and self
esteem. Thank you again.
Stephanie, Jared, and Jordan (4 yrs old) V...[, Lima, Ohio]
From: []
Thank you all so very much. That was the best $20 I have ever
spent. My son is 6 years old. We received the video today and as
soon as I arrived home from work we sat down together and
watched it. We watched the video 3 times, just to be sure we
both understood the principles involved. Trent , my wife, and I,
loaded up the bike and went down the street to an open parking
lot. Trent and I reviewed what we had seen on the tape then
started the exercises. Just like you guaranteed, Trent was
riding that bike, by himself. In just a few more minutes, he had
figured out how to get going from a complete stop as well as how
to turn when he wanted and how to stop without falling over. We
were all so excited, especially Trent, his self esteem shot to
the sky. He just wanted to keep riding around and around. I was
so happy, I had tears of joy streaming down my face.
Thank you,
Chuck M...[, Wichita, KS]
From: Marc M... []
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
Thank YOU for the video. It turned what had been a difficult
and dispiriting effort into a joy. My son, who had decided that
riding a bike "wasn't for him" was thrilled when he
quickly learned. Thanks for your work.
[Marc M., Janesville, Wisonsin]
From: [mailto:]
Subject: (no subject)
Wow! It really worked. We got the video today and my daughter
was off and riding. My 5 year old said " Wow I guess my
pedals are magic now."
Cherie W [, Greensboro, North Carolina]
Student: Male, 6, dependent on training wheels.
Parent, actively looking for a solution, commented on the order:
I'm intrigued, optimistic and can't wait to try this. Watching
my 6-year-old son with his training wheels, I could see that he
was developing the wrong habits, which was what finally prompted
me to remove the training wheels a few days ago. However our
sessions without them, with me running alongside holding the
bike seat from behind, have been exhausting for me and
frustrating for him. I've got my fingers crossed about your
technique, and I am anxious to learn and try it. ps: I enjoyed
reading about the background behind your approach, as I have
been a management consultant with a scientific background for
many years - often applying concepts from other disciplines to
business problems for my clients...
From: Jonathan R. S...[]
Subject: RE: ..., software, etc.
Reginald --
Hi again.
Well, we finally put Pedal Magic to the test. We watched the
video with my 6-year-old son Zachary. It was pretty late in the
evening for him, so we watched it again the next afternoon.
After that, we tried the most basic exercises in our garage --
for about 5 minutes each time on three different evenings. Last
Saturday, we found a wide-open, empty parking-lot. We reviewed
the exercises once more for about 1 minute and then proceeded
with the launch.
Probably no surprise to you, but the results were amazing!
Zachary made about 20 passes across the entire parking lot on
his own -- about 400ft each way -- without a single fall. What a
wonderful experience for him (and for us!).
Thanks again for such a great concept. I've already told
about half a dozen people about Pedal Magic and how to find you
on the web so they can order a copy for their own children.
Pedal Magic was worth every penny -- many times more in fact.
Thanks from all of us.
Jonathan S... [,Princeton Junction, New Jersey]
From: Jason []
Subject: Video
The cost of the video is definately the best $25 bucks that I
have spent in a while. I taught my child in just under 20 mins.
Where was this video when I learned in the 70's!!!!
J[ason]. G
A very satisfied customer.
[Lemoore, California]
The following customer placed her order on April 3, 2000, it
was shipped on the next business day per our customer service
policy, and she sent us this email on April 6.
Additional information from the order:
- Student: Male
Age: 7
Training Wheels Use: Moderate
Comment: My 7 year old is very frustrated by traditional
methods of teaching to ride a bicycle. He has developed a
real fear of falling that we are unable to overcome. I hope
this works, all of his friends ride and it is affecting his
social life.
From: Karen S... []
Subject: WOW!
We got your video today, 1 hour before the Cub Scout bike
ride. We did the exercises prior to going on the ride. By the
end of the ride my son was "doing it"! He was riding a
two-wheeler all by himself. His friends and I are very proud of
him. Thank you so much for making this possible.
...I will send the [Denver Post] article to various area
newspapers etc. I also thought about writing to Walmart.
Thanks again,
Karen and Blake [, Malvern, Iowa]
From: []
Subject: Video Tape
Dear Sirs,
First, let me thank you. My 5 year old son, who had used
training wheels, rode his bike on the first "Launch".
Prior to his first launch, I had run him on some of the remedial
exercises, without pedals. How long it will take him to learn to
go where he actually wants to go, I am not sure, but he is
riding his 2 wheel bicycle...
David G. M [Baton Rouge, Louisiana]
Transcript of a note dated 2/28/2000:
Dear Pedal Magic -
Just a quick note to say thanks! Our little boy turned 5 in
October, and, had been using training wheels. So, needless to
say, I was both hesitant and skeptical. But, we watched the
video together, did the exercisees, and rode - in less
than 15 minutes! We were both amazed. Thanks for a great
Best wishes.
Brody C.
Denver, Colorado
From: "R. R..."
Subject: RE: Order Shipped
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id HAA22547
Dear Gentlemen:
I had my doubts on your system. But I want to congratulate
you´ll. After viewing the video with my daughter, we stepped
out of the house and while I was pumping air in my bicycle, my
daughter climbed on top of hers and was riding by herself.
Many thanks,
Rene R...[, Wellington, Florida]
Transcript of a letter from...
Rusty R...
Aurora, Colorado 80015
November 17, 1999
Ushar Enterprises Inc
Pedal Magic Project
Littleton, CO 80122-3651
I purchased your Pedal Magic video last month and I was
really hoping that your methods would work. I could not believe
how fast and effective the exercises and techniques proved out.
I had given up teaching my six year old son for about two months
until I resumed again after purchasing your video tape. We did
the exercises in the garage for two days and then went to a
parking lot and on the first launch he pedaled on his own and he
followed your techniques perfectly. His confidence grew in a
matter of seconds. On our second session, he was circling the
parking lot and trying to follow a straight line. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you!
We have some good friends in California who are having
difficulty with their child's learning to ride. We would like to
purchase a video from you and send directly to them as a gift
from us. Will you please send the video to the address below and
include the enclosed note in your package? Thank you...
From: "Cathy M..."
Subject: Thanks
Reply-To: "Cathy M..."
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by id JAA28276
I just wanted to pass along a thank you letter. I purchased
the video about one month ago when it became apparent that my
nine year old son was developing a phobia about riding bikes. My
son never took the time to learn to ride a bike when he was
younger because he always had his roller blades. He is excellent
on roller blades and didn't feel he needed a bike to get around.
It wasn't until his friends starting calling and asking him to
bring his bike over that he felt different. After trying and
failing several times, he convinced himself that he would never
be able to do it. At my wits end, I researched the net and came
across your product and decided to give it a try. I had nothing
to lose since there was a money back guarantee.
Well, within 15 minutes he was up and riding. The smile on
his face gave me a feeling that is indescribable. Since Saturday
when he learned, he has obsessed with it. He is riding and
trying new things every day.
Thank you for helping to restore some of my son's
Cathy M [, Sunset Hill, Missouri]
From: "Sophie & Richard P...">
Subject: Re: PedalMagicSurvey
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2314.1300
Hello Mr. Joules,
Had to write to thank you for producing such a wonderful
product. I have had the tape for some time, but today I finally
sat on my bike and rode it for some time without falling. Having
fallen and broken my wrist on a bicycle before purchasing your
tape, I decided that I wouldn't hurt myself again. I slowly let
myself become accustomed to the bicycle and how it felt in my
grassy backyard, being sure that my feet could reach the ground
when sitting on the bicycle. I had no help and just practiced
five and ten minutes at a time. Your product surely is worth the
price, and personally I would have paid $50-$60 for it. I've
only wanted to do this for my whole life. I plan on going back
to the bicycle shop where I purchased mine and talk to the owner
about your tape and how useful it has been. You are right, there
are many adults who are unable to ride and this would help them.
If it worked for me, it will work for anyone because I doubt if
there is a person out there more cautious about getting hurt
than me. Thanks again.
Sophie P... [Middleburg, Florida]
From: Reginald Joules
Subject: Re: PedalMagicSurvey
> Hi, when you get back on the bike after watching Pedal
Magic, we suggest > that you use the remedial exercises to
alleviate your fears before trying > the core Pedal Magic
process. >
> Happy riding. If you feel up to sharing your success
with us, please send us > a note some time. Thank you.
--Reginald Joules >
> At 09:37 AM 8/20/99 -0600, you wrote: >
> >StudentAge_: 52 > >StudentSex_: Female >
>StudentStartLearn_: > >StudentTW_: No >
>StudentTWTimeQ_: > >StudentTWTimeU_: Hour(s) >
>StudentTWGot_: * > >Coach_: CoachOther >
>HowFoundUs_: AltaVista > >Remote Name:
> >Date: August 20, 1999 > >Time: 09:37 AM > >
> >HowFoundUSKeys_: > >
> >I saw an article in "ThirdAge Newsletter"
but could not read the article > because it had a broken
link. I kept thinking about it and tried search > engines on
the net. Finally I found you with AltaVista. I had tried >
learning to ride about two weeks ago with my husband running and
releasing > me, but I fell and hurt my knee and broke my
wrist and felt that I wouldn't > be able to learn to ride. I
have learned that my bicycle was much to big > for me and
that may have been part of my problem. But I am scared of just
> jumping back on a bicycle, especially with my husband's
limited patience. I > hope this works for me; I have always
wanted to ride for exercise.
From: kate s...
Subject: Re: Order Shipped
Dear Pedal Magic people,
Danny became frightened of riding a bicycle when he was four
years old, and refused to even try to ride one with training
After I persuaded him to try again last spring at the age of
9, he became so frustrated after only 15 minutes that it took us
another three months to talk him into another try.
Unfortunately, he lasted only another 15 minutes. In
desperation, I searched the web and found your information. I
almost didn't send for the video, because even though the price
was so low, it just didn't seem possible that it could help.
Danny and I watched the video together, and then went to the
schoolground on Sunday and did the exercises together. It took
him a little longer than five minutes, maybe ten, but the first
time I launched him he went ten feet, stopping only because he
suddenly noticed I was too far away to be holding the seat for
him! The next time he went thirty feet, and after that, he just
needed a reminder to pedal faster to keep going. He never fell
down, because he knew what to do when the bike began to tip to
the side.
Later, Danny told us that it helped to know that some
grownups also had trouble learning to ride a bike; when he saw
them fall down the same way he used to, and then saw them learn
to ride after doing the exercises, he knew he could do it too,
if he tried.
Your video earned its name and your guarantee - Danny is so
proud of his accomplishment, and now we have a whole new family
activity to enjoy. Before Danny was born we were avid bikers, so
you can imagine our own happiness, too...
Kate S... [, Berkeley, California]
Reply-To: "Dave A..."
From: "Dave A..."
Subject: A very satisfied customer
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
Dear Mr. Joules,
Thanks so much for the great video. Having conducted training
seminars in the past, I knew how to teach adults just about
anything, but when it came to my five year old, Zach, I was
flustered. Zach's training wheels had been on and off his bike
more times than I care to say. Each time we would gain a little
ground, something would happen that sent him back to his
"security blanket." Needless to say, we were both
frustrated and had just about given up for the year. I can't
tell you how many different ideas I tried (including some that
were very close to your own.) Thank goodness I don't give up
easily! After spending an exhausting day chasing a bike, I
thought to myself that someone must have faced this problem
before, and decided to check the internet. I don't remember what
key words I typed, but I found your site. We first watched your
video on Friday night. It didn't take long to figure out we
needed the remedial course to break our training wheel habit. We
spent about 20 minutes Saturday and 15 minutes Sunday working on
the exercises. We launched and Zach rode about 50 ft. To his
surprise, he found I was not holding on to his seat. He finshed
the day by riding around the school parking lot. He even waved
at a boy cutting the lawn.
We did have a minor setback when we returned to our
subdivision to show Mom. The road is very narrow in spots and is
bordered by small irrigation ditches that are lined with river
rock. This situation so frightened Zach that he forgot all that
he had learned. I didn't think that going back to the school
parking lot would help in this situation, but it did. When we
launched , I told Zach to follow the yellow line that separates
adjacent parking spaces. Once he figured out that staying
reasonably close to the middle yellow line was the same as
riding down the middle of our street, he was fine...
Perhaps you have some suggestions for our last challenge?....
Speed Bumps!!!! Again, Thank You.
Dave and Zach [,Kalispell, Montana]
From: "Donald B. C..."
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: Thank You
I would like to thank you for a great product. My wife had a
bad experience trying to learn to ride over 25 years ago and
would never try again. Recently she decided that she wanted to
try to learn and after only a couple of evenings we were both
feeling discouraged. While searching for information on training
wheels on the internet I came across your site.
The claims seemed to good to be true but after only a couple
of days I was desperate already. I ordered the video and when it
arrived we both watched twice and then we practiced your
techniques for about 15 minutes. We did this for the next two
evenings because of the weather and then went to a large parking
lot for the real test.
It took a little longer than 5 minutes but she was able to
ride for a short distance without assistance. She practiced
again tonight and did much better being able to ride around the
parking lot several times. This is the most amazing thing I have
ever seen.
I would like to thank you again for a wonderful product and
possibly saving my marriage.
Don C... [, Bremerton, Washington]
Return-Receipt-To: "Kurt ..."
From: "Kurt ..."
Subject: Thanks
I had to write you and thank you for the wonderful video. I
can't believe how great it worked. Anyone who has a child should
buy this video. My ten year was struggling to ride, frequent
crying and yelling episodes led me to your site. She was
frustrated, I was frustrated and I felt bad because she really
was trying, I felt guilty afterward yelling at her that she
wasn't trying. Enter the video, she and I sat down watched it,
the next day, five minutes following the instructions, off to
the parking lot, a quick refresher and off she went, no more
running along side. Not once since then has she had any
problems, two weeks later at camp she enrolls in mountain
biking. Now we are all riding because we can't keep her off.
What used to be a struggle to get her on the bike, is a
pleasure. Thanks again for something that is worth every penny.
And thanks for putting that smile on my daughters face, she is
so proud of herself every time she gets on the bike.
Best Regards,
Kurt ...[,Livingston, New Jersey]
From: scott m...
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic order status
Just want to drop you a line expressing my graditude for your
video Pedal Magic. My 5 year old daughter was riding after 5
minutes ... This after using training wheels for two years and
then trying with me running along side for two months. She still
is learning to turn, but she can balance (and I can rest).
Thanks again. [, Bellmore, New York]
From: Jim H...
Subject: pedal magic
Reply-To: Jim ...
I spoke with you on the phone last week in regard to Pedal
Magic. It arrived last week and I took my ten year old son out
on saturday. We practiced the initial exercises in the garage
since he was embarassed that he is almost eleven and unable to
ride a bike. He was able to do twenty correct ... on the second
attempt... He was quite skeptical. I launched him twice and he
put his feet down both times, crashing on the second attempt. He
told me he did not want to learn anymore but I convinced him to
give it one more try. I set the gears on his bike very low so
that even pedalling at top speed he would not pick up much
velocity hoping he would not panic because he was going too
fast. We launched and he went fifty feet. We launched again and
he went the equivalent of a city block...
He was ecstatic!
On Sunday we returned to the lot. He insisted that we do ...
as a warm up and then he took off. We practiced turning left and
did some big circles. He is reluctant to turn right but wants to
work on that tonight. Tuesday we will work on him launching
himself without help. Practicing every night I am hopeful we can
tackle the trail system in our park by the weekend. It has wide
paved paths and I think it will be a wonderful place for him to
really build up his confidence before tackling the public
streets with me.
He is so proud of himself and so happy. Thank you for a
wonderful product. I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and
work in psychiatry so operant conditioning is not foreign to me
but once again I am amazed by its ease and power. I conditioned
a lot of rats in college but I still found it hard to believe
that I could train my son to ride in ten minutes after all the
summers of frustration...
Once again thanks for your help. Ryan will be sending you his
own e-mail thanks as well.
Jim H
Coralville, IA
Subject: Thankyou
Thank you so much for the video. I ordered the video after my
son and I had spent a horrible afternoon of me running beside
him and him falling several times. We had both had enough and
figured we had many, many grueling days ahead of us. That night
I searched the Internet and found your sight. We got the video
on the following Saturday, and practiced the exercises for less
than 2 minutes and he wanted to be launched. The joy we both
experienced was, and still is wonderful. I cannot thank you
enough for your video, it has brought joy into our lives. Thank
you again.
Mark P. B... and Tr..., Amarillo, Texas
From: Andre ...
X-Accept-Language: ru
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
I just wanted to let you know that both of my kids (5 &
7) began bicycling this week-end, thanks to your video tape!
I tore my knee a year ago (playing soccer!) and have been
unable to safely teach my kids how to bicycle (using the
traditional methods of chasing them, etc.!). However, after
watching your video tape with the kids, practicing the drills on
the bicycle in the kitchen (!), and 'letting them go' outside
the next morning, I couldn't stop laughing as I watched them
actually bicycle! Even though my kids have been using training
wheels for at least 2-3 years, it took both them less than 5
minutes to be on their own!
Thank you again for your wonderful video!
Andre F [Arlington, Texas]
P.S.: Why don't you market the video through more bike stores
(none of the bike stores in Arlington, Texas knew of your
video), since I stumbled on your home page by accident! I'm sure
thousands of other parents will love to have your video!
X-Originating-IP: [...]
From: "Jane C..." <,,,>
Subject: WOW!!
Dear Mr. Joules:
I recently purchased your Pedal Magic video in order to help
our 9 year old daughter learn how to ride her bike. Before
purchasing your video, we spent many sessions trying our best to
help her learn (running beside the bike, giving her
"tips", etc.). Not only did she not learn how to ride,
but she was becoming increasingly frustrated - usually ending up
in tears. Not being able to learn how to ride when all of her
friends and neighbors could was very difficult for her.
I came upon your website quite by chance and we decided if
the video even helped a little, it was well worth the money.
The day the video arrived my daughter and I watched it and
she immediately wanted to go out and try it. WOW! It couldn't
have been more than 5 minutes and she was riding on her own. The
look on her face at that moment was priceless.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for your product. I
wish you much future success.
Jane C... [Tallahassee, Florida]
Siblings story from The Netherlands (when Pedal Magic was sold on NTSC and PAL VHS tapes)
We were a little surprised by the following note. It seemed
from this feedback that a child actually taught another child to
ride in minutes without direct parental involvement. So, we
asked the parent specifically if we understood it correctly.
From the customer's first note it also seemed to us that the
kids must have tried Pedal Magic successfully at least once
before they called their mother out to show what they had
accomplished. Here are all the notes:
From: "The ..." <>
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic order status
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
What an amazing tape.. My 6 year old daughter has been using
stabilizer wheels for the last year and a half. We removed them
about 6 weeks ago and then started an awful struggle to get her
going alone. We cajoled, begged, shouted, attempted to bribe,
threatened all to no avail. She was terrified. We couldn't let
go and she couldn't maintain her balance.
What is a parent to do ? Especially one currenlty in
Amsterdam land of the bikes ?... Search the internet of course.
And there via the search engine " Ask Jeeves for kids"
we found salvation. Four days later my nine year old son and my
six your old stabilizer dependent daughter watched the tape
together... The next non rainy day (a rare thing in this
country) they went out and miracle of miracles ten minutes later
they both called me out to see Tal my son launch Amit my
daughter and off she sped.... wobbley but confident and ALONE
Thanks very much !
A happy mum and dad in Amsterdam
[Karen T, Amsterdam, The Netherlands]
Email from us to Karen T:
Dear Mrs. ...:
Thank you very much for the feedback. It appears from your
note that your 9-year-old son learned the instructions from the
video and then taught your daughter to ride without either you
or your husband being present. If this is so, it is a record (to
the best of our knowledge). We do not know of any such prior
incidents where a child taught another child using Pedal Magic.
If our understanding of your situation is wrong, please let
us know...
Thank you again for taking the time out to send us your
feedback. -- Reginald Joules
Reply form Karen T:
From: "The ..." <>
Subject: Re:Tal and Amit
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Dear Reginald,
Yes you understood perfectly well... My husband was actually
away on business and I was in the kitchen... (where else ) So
Tal and Amit did this by themselves...
Karen T
Subject: Pedal Magic
X-Juno-Line-Breaks: 5-11
From: (Donald J E...)
Just wanted to tell you that my daughter learned to ride
after several years of failure and frustration. It was hard to
get her to sit down and view the video and then to go out and
try. But she did and was able to learn after 15 minutes or so of
"launches". She has now been riding on her own each
day for the last 4 days and is really enjoying her new freedom.
Thank you for such a simple yet effective method.
Now I'm trying to teach my wife to ride. Any suggestions?
Don [, Belmont, California]
From: David ... <>
Organization: What? Me Organized?
Subject: Pedel Magic Testimonial
just want to thank you for creating your tape - I have
already recommended it to several other parents with kids after
my success in teaching both my 7 year and 12 year olds how to
ride last weekend after we all watched the tape. I was skeptical
at first, but I am now convinced that this is the *only* way
that children should be taught to ride.
Best Regards,
Dave R [,Marietta, Georgia]
From: "Saul A. ..." <>
Subject: More Experience with PEdalMagic
Your technique has scored two quick successes ... and one
slower success. My son, almost 6 years old, had never ridden a
tricycle, nor was he a motivated bike rider. I tried using the
Pedal Magic technique straight off, but it was clear that he
lacked motivation to succeed (he didn't know how fun it would be
to propel himself on a bike), nor the motor skills to keep his
feet on the pedals. So, I installed the training wheels on his
bike, and worked on the basic motor skills of biking. Once he
had mastered the training wheels (about 10 15-minute practice
sessions), we started the exercises, as per your tape.
It took three sessions of about an hour, but, he succeeded. I
think the strength of your [remedial] technique is that the
exercises slowly build the balance skills needed, so that the
step from [them] to riding is a small one. Thus, although it
took much longer than 5-20 minutes, I'm very happy that you
supplied me with the tools to teach my son at his speed, with
him gaining confidence from his incremental mastery of the
I taught my son (with your help) to ride a bike, mostly as a
way of building his self confidence in his physical abilities.
As such, maintaining motivation was key. I think that training
wheels have their place (as do tricycles) in the motivational
equation, especially when your exercises can help the student to
quickly undo the damage of training wheel usage...
Even though my son was younger and less physically capable
(strengh /coordination) than my daughter, it was MUCH easier and
less stressful for student and teacher to teach my son, based on
your techniques. In fact, I'm not sure either of them would be
riding bikes today without your insight.
Thanks again! You made what was an unpleasant experience into
a pleasurable father-son learning activity.
-Saul K [, Potomac, Maryland]
From: "Larry F..." <>
Subject: Success!!!!!
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
I just wanted to write you to tell you that your system
My daughter is 9, and has had a hard time learning to ride
her bike. She even outgrew her first bike before she could ride
it without training wheels. (I think if I had it to do over, I
wouldn't go for traininig wheels)
This Spring, we got your tape, found a parking lot, and she
was riding in about 15 minutes. She's having a great deal of
fun, and independence on her bike, and I'm very happy and proud
of her.
I liked what I read on your web site, and thought it made
sense. I'm so glad I bought your tape, and have already
recommended it to others.
Thank You!!!!
Larry F [Minneapolis, Minnesota]
From: "Mary E. .." <>
Organization: Home
Subject: Pedal Magic
My 7-year old daughter, Kathy, learned to ride her bike this
weekend, using the Pedal Magic techniques. She is beaming and I
am jumping up and down for joy.
Here is what happened before Pedal Magic:
- Kathy got her first bike (16") at age 5 1/2. She rode
the first season with training wheels.
- The second season I took the training wheels off, but put them
back on after one unsucessful and unpromising session.
- This year, at age 7 1/2 and a new 20" bike, we tried
again. I insisted on no training wheels. After the first
training session, utilizing traditional methods and advice from
another parent, we were both frustrated. She appeared no closer
to learning to ride and was unmotivated to try again.
- Then I learned about Pedal Magic and suspended bike lessons
until it arrived.
After Pedal Magic:
- First Session (30 minutes): We did the basic exercises
through the '...'. Kathy had no trouble doing these repeatedly.
I then tried the 'launch', with no luck... I then had her work
on the 'remedial' exercises for kids who have been using
training wheels...
- Second Session (next day, 30 minutes): More work on the
remedial exercises... She refused more launch attempts, as she
felt out of control when I push her.
- Third Session (several days later, 15 minutes): Continued
... and getting more comfortable with it...
- Fourth Session (about 10 days later): After 10-15 minutes
... she did her first [launch], starting herself. After another
10 minutes, she consistently started herself. She continued to
ride, working on control and braking.
Kathy is thrilled about her accomplishment and can't wait to
ride again...
Note: The most work I did after the first Pedal Magic session
was to lift her bike in and out of the minivan!
Mary E. M [, Germantown, Maryland]
From: Ronne R...<>
Subject: Pedal Magic
Dear Mr. Joules,
You may not remember me--we corresponded briefly last fall,
when I ordered a Pedal Magic video in the hope it would help me
and my husband help our son Daniel (then 10, now 11) learn to
ride a bike after years of failure and frustration.
Last September, when we received the tape, Daniel was
apprehensive. We tried the exercises shown on the tape, but he
was still very self-conscious, worried about failure, and too
embarrassed to try anything anywhere but in our backyard, where
no one would see him. Our backyard is small and mostly grass, so
this was far from ideal--nevertheless, we could see right away
that the exercises helped enormously--he was actually able to
balance on the bike, which he'd never done before. But there
wasn't enough room for him to get up any momentum, so our
efforts were doomed to fail. So we decided to forget about it
over the winter. Daniel's motivation dwindled, and we didn't
want to push it.
In the last couple of weeks, though, things changed. With the
warm weather, all his friends have been riding their bikes down
to the sports field--Daniel's the only one who still gets driven
there; also, all his friends were doing a "Cycle
Proficiency" test at school, which all Year 6 kids are
given the opportunity to do here in Nottinghamshire--he felt
really left out. He asked if we would help him try to learn
again. This time we found a suitable location--a little-used
local airfield that had a good expanse of paved space--and we
went there on Monday.
We started with the exercises, which Daniel responded really
well to--but when he tried to ride on his own, he just didn't
"get" it, and was beginning to get really discouraged.
My husband and I were getting discouraged, too, but we didn't
want to let Daniel see, so we decided to take a break and go
watch the skydivers on another part of the field. As we were
walking over, we heard a shout. Thinking Daniel had hurt
himself, I turned to run back--only to see Daniel riding towards
us with a huge grin on his face! All we had to do, it seems, was
let him get on with it himself!
Needless to say, we are all thrilled, Daniel most of all.
When we got home, he took his bike out onto the street for the
first time ever, and I cannot tell you how proud and happy for
him I felt, watching him ride up and down the street. His
overall confidence and self-esteem seem to have soared
overnight. It has been a struggle, but well worth it.
I have absolutely no doubt that the Pedal Magic video was the
crucial factor here--the exercises gave him the balancing skills
he was unable to master before. Once he had those, it was just a
matter of convincing himself he could do it. I cannot thank you
enough for devising this method, for your video, and for the
encouragement you gave us last fall. You've made what once
seemed impossible a reality--thank you a thousand times!
With best wishes,
Ronne R [, Nottingham, England]
From: ... <>
Subject: Another Satisfied Customer
We really appreciated the tape! It helped my eight year old
daughter learn to ride her bike in about two minutes. Our
previous efforts had been difficult, but with your system she
was able to start riding virtually immediately. Consider us
another satisfied customer - we will be sure to mention the tape
to anyone else who needs assistance in teaching a child to ride
a bike.
We also are working with our five year old daughter on
learning to ride without training wheels. It's taking her a
little longer, but we will keep working on it (I think she has
some training wheel dependency that we need to work out).
Again, thanks for the system.
Mark S [, Rockville, Maryland]
From: GN... <>
Subject: Pedal Magic
Thanks for your tape, I'm a 38 year old male who never
learned to bike. With guidence from your tape, I 'm now biking
with ease, moreover I learned it without any coach. I did not
even go through the whole tape because training wheels were not
[Ganesh N, Bartlett, Illinois]
From: "Manuel K..." <>
Subject: RE: Pedal Magic order status
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Importance: Normal
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4
Thanks so much for your incredible product! I tought my 31
year old fiancee how to ride a bike in about 5 minutes
yesterday. It worked great!. Thanks again. BTW, you REALLY have
to get this tape marketed with the big's a great
Manuel K [, Sausalito, California]
[Reply from USHAR:]
Thank you for the very nice comments and letting us enjoy
your joy.
With regards to the big boys, nobody (i.e. none of the major
players in general merchandise retail, the bicycle industry, or
parenting area) is interested! Either they don't believe Pedal
Magic is for real or they discount its significance. Go figure.
But, not to worry. You will see widespread use of Pedal Magic by
the time you have kids and they are ready to learn to ride. --
Reginald Joules
From: Robert B... <>
Organization: Onondaga County
Subject: I'm Impressed!
I am impressed. I purchased the videotape for my daughter and
she was riding unassisted within five minutes. The techniques
seem so simple that I'm surprised that I've never heard about it
Tully, NY [New York]
From: "G..., Dan" <>
Subject: FW: Pedal Magic order status
Dear Mr. Joules,
Just thought I'd let you know that your methodology worked.
My two older girls (8 and 10 years old), watched the tape and
then went with me to an open parking lot near the house where we
live. The youngest of the two was riding within a few
minutes...the older one took the better part of an hour, but she
too was riding before we left. Congratulations on the
development of this simple, but effective training tool.
Thanks and best regards...Dan G... [, Laredo, Texas]
From: Heather P... <>
Subject: Re: Success!!
Hi there, I am writing to thank you for your video tape and
your system. My 11 yr. old daughter had been trying to learn to
ride a bike forseveral years, but nothing we tried worked. In
desperation, I looked through the internet for hints on teaching
bike riding when I came across your home page. I was very
skeptical when I placed the order.When the tape arrived I
watched through it, then when my daughter came home, she viewed
it. A couple of days later, she asked me to take her out to a
school parking lot, which we had used in the past. We tried the
exercises about 10 times and she seemed to have no difficulties
with that. She said she was ready to try, but asked me to hold
on to her the first attempt and to not let go. I agreed.
However, before we started, I turned my back on her briefly, to
take my jacket off. When I turned around, to my absolute
amazement, she was riding her bike! There was no assistance with
a launch, she just took off. That was about 90 minutes ago. In
this past 1 1/2 hrs., her confidence has grown and she is now
riding like she has been riding for ages. Laura is a straight A
student, plays on the school basketball team and swims really
well. Bike riding was something she just couldn't seem to master
until your system gave her the few instructions she needed as
well as the belief that it would work. Thank you so much.
Heather P [, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Note from
daughter Laura follows:]
Thank you so much. This is amazing. I watched the video and
was anxious to try it. I tried some exercises about 10 times and
when my mom turned her head, I was off and riding my bike. I am
so happy and I can't believe it worked! I thought I would never
ride my bike because I was so afraid of falling. Thank you so
much. This is a dream come true.
Sincerely, Laura P [, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada]
X-Sender: (Unverified)
From: (BOB H...)
As the owner of an advertising agency I am naturally skeptical
of inflated product claims. Nonetheless, after spending a
frustrating evening trying to teach my seven year old daughter
to take off her training wheels and ride her bike, I decided to
send for "Pedal Magic". This morning I took my
daughter out and, using your techniques, she was riding within
twenty minutes. It is rare that one is completely satisfied with
a product. In this case, I certainly am. Congratulations and
thank you.
Bob H [, Oakland, California]
From: "...silver" <>
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
To: USHAR Enterprises Inc
Reply-to: "..." <>
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-MimeOle: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE Engine V4.71.1008.3
I and my son want to thank you for your well thought out
approach to teaching bike riding. My son is 8 and 1/2 years old
and had not been able to ride a bike. We had used training
wheels for him and his brother. Evidently the training wheels
hindered my younger son's ability to ride, while not affecting
my older son. In approximately 2 hours of using pedal magic's
approach my son was riding. We did have to do ... in order to
correct his balance. The ... excersice is ingenious. He is now
riding with his friends all over the neighborhood only 5 days
after recieving the video. Thanks again.
Michael S...[, Colorado Springs, Colorado]
From: "..." <>
To: "USHAR Enterprises Inc"
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 18:06:31 -0500
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Your product is a sure-fire hit here!! My son Alex, age 7,
had been unable to learn to ride, and unwilling to try. After
WATCHING your video, he understood the concepts necessary and
within a few minutes of actual practicing, he was riding! In
under 1 hour of practice, he was turning, and launching himself,
and really gaining riding confidence. Tomorrow we will try with
Max, (Alex's twin brother) - I am sure he will have as much
success as Alex did. Thanks!!!
Cindy and John W. [, Topeka, Kansas]
X-Sender: (Unverified)
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 20:59:14 -0500
From: ... <>
Subject: Pedal Magic Success
Thank you so much for the video. It worked on both my twin 7
year old boys Max and Alex. About 2-3 minutes on each child and
off they went. After about 4 10 minute practice sessions they
were riding, turning, launching, and just having a great time.
My effort was some coaching and positive feedback but none of
that chasing and pushing like I had tried unsuccessfully before.
The first boy Alex just kept saying how great a bike rider he
was and how happy he was. Max said it was a dream come true.
Both my wife and myself are engineers and upon watching the
video knew it was the right approach. It was the best spent 20
dollars in a long time.
Again, thank you and I wish you success in your endeavor.
Even if you don't get rich you can always know that you made
life a little easier and a lot funner for a lot of children. We
all know that is what life is all about.
John and Cindy W. [, Topeka, Kansas]
PS Anything we can do to help you market, distribute, and/or
sell the video let us know.
Voice mail message:
Hi Reginald. It's Jane M... You just sent a Pedal Magic tape
to my husband Ira, and I think [pause] it's amazing. My 6-year
old was diagnosed with dyspraxia which is a motor planning
problem, last October, and I'm not kidding, within less than 2
minutes a kid who's [excitement] the most uncoordinated kid on
the planet [excited, making a point] was riding his 2-wheeler...
I thank you so much. It has given him such a great
confidence boost. What a wonderful program! ... Thanks so much,
and long may Pedal Magic reign!
Jane M. [, Potomac, Maryland. September 4, 1997]
Voice mail message (from a lady with a 35-year-old husband
who could not ride):
...I taught my husband to ride ... it took about 5 minutes
and he was off & pedaling and we were completely amazed...
just wanted to let you know that it works for adults that have
total fear... he was terrified of being on that bicycle... it
worked great and we just wanted to thank you very much...
everything worked out really, really well...
Lisa L... [, Brooklyn, New York]
Errors-To: <>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 16:05:42 -0700
From: Al A... <>
Subject: Thank You!
Mr. Reginald Joules:
Every year on vacation at the Cape my friends are renting
bikes and exploring the bike trails. Even back home everyone
goes riding in the park and on the local river trails. I have
always felt a little left out and embarrassed that I could not
go along because at 32 years of age I had never learned to ride
a bike. KEY WORD here is "had never learned."
I was bound and determined this year's vacation at the Cape
was going to be different. I was determined to learn to ride a
bike. My partner agreed to teach me. Well… guess what? I
wobbled, weaved, wavered and went tumbling a few times. I left
the hour long session discouraged and convinced I had no sense
of balance what so ever! However, I was still determined!
I decided to surf the web and try to find instructions for
adults or even training wheels for adults. That's when I found
your web page for "Pedal Magic." On your web site
there was a distributor in Cleveland, Ohio. By chance I was
going to Cleveland that weekend and planned on picking up a copy
at the bike shop. My partner drove me across town from where we
staying to pick up a copy. I have to tell you there was some
skepticism after my initial failure if this would work. Everyone
was convinced I was throwing my money away. However, if I was I
was assured a 30-day money back guarantee.
I was a bit surprised how short and to the point the video
was. My partner watched and took on the job of coach. I did all
of your exercises and at launch I was amazed to find out I was
UP AND MOVING! Not falling off! In 20 minutes I was circling the
parking lot making the bike go where I wanted it to go! What a
rush and feeling of accomplishment.
The next day I was back in the bike shop buying my first
bike! The salesman was a little surprised I had learned in less
than a half hour and looked a little skeptical! You know what?
Who cares?!?! Because this year I'm going to explore the bike
trails at the Cape with my friends and partner!
Thanks for making your theory available to the public. It has
changed the perspective on my recreational life!
Al A... [, from somwhere in Ohio, by inference]
From: "Sue R..." <>
To: "USHAR Enterprises Inc"
Subject: Re: Pedal Magic
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 18:15:08 -0400
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
Dear Reginald,
Thanks for the PEDAL MAGIC video. My aunt took me out to the
park to practice and now I'm a good rider. We practiced 15
minutes. We did the exercises first and then I was off. I am
really happy I can ride now. I' ve been practicing about a
year.If my mom never found this on the internet I wouldn't be
riding now.
Kevin R...
Dear Reginald,
You asked me to let you know how Kevin did with the video but
I wanted him to write to you first. He's much more excited than
his note would lead you to believe!
We received the video last week and did the exercises one
afternoon in the garage. Kevin did really well with them and was
anxious to get out to an open area where we could try the
launch. However, we've had lots of rain lately and the time was
just never right.
But my sister happened to come from Pennsylvania for a visit
yesterday. She has been trying to teach Kevin to ride for a
couple of years -- every time she comes to Florida they go
outside and give it a go but have never had any success. This
time I asked Patty to watch the video with Kevin and then they
repeated the exercises. Next we went to a local parking lot and,
after a bit of review of the exercises, including the training
wheel exercises, they were ready to try the launch.
Patty and I were astounded to find that Kevin was able to
keep the bike going for about 20 seconds all by himself. Kevin
was thrilled, as you can imagine! We stayed out there for about
30 minutes and he got better and better.
... Thank you very much for your video. It was worth the
money just to see the look on Kevin's face once he realized that
he was actually riding his bike!
Sue R... [, Hollywood, Florida]
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 23:16:01 -0400
From: Bob L... <>
To: USHAR Enterprises Inc
Subject: Pedal Magic Results
USHAR Enterprises Inc wrote:
> Dear Mr. L...:
> We have all the information needed to ship your order
today. Thank you.
> If your son has not become too dependent on training
wheels, he will be
> riding this weekend. If he needs to get rid of training
wheels dependencies,
> but is highly motivated to spend an hour or so every day
practicing the
> remedial process, he will be riding some time between this
weekend and next
> weekend.
> All the best,
> Reginald Joules
We received the tape Thursday afternoon. My 8 year old son,
who has been trying to ride his bike without training wheels for
several years watched the video with the family that very
evening. My wife was very skeptical.
Afterwards, my son did the ... exercises perfectly. Since he
still couldn't maintain his balance, I had him doing .... per
you instructions. These turned out to be very awkward for him.
My wife told me that he practiced his exercises during the
day on Friday. My son asked me to take him to my office's
parking lot... Within 15 minutes, he was riding bike like he had
been riding for years.
He has been riding his bike more this weekend than he has all
last year. Next weekend will be his 5 year old sister's chance
to follow his example. It was the best $15 I've spent!
Bob L... [, Dublin, Ohio]
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 08:17:40 -0400
From: Laura T... <>
Organization: GEIS
Subject: Thanks!
I ordered Pedal Magic last week and this weekend we had a
chance to try it out. I must say that my husband and I were
amazed. Our son turned 5 in May and got a bike for his birthday.
He's been riding with training wheels for a month. We took the
training wheels off once during that time and Danny quickly
asked that we put them back on - he was too scared to try it
without them.
Danny watched the video with us and was very excited to try.
My husband took Danny out on Saturday and an hour later they
came back with Danny proclaiming that he can ride without
training wheels. I had a chance on Sunday to watch him and it
was amazing how well he was riding. My husband said that on the
second day he was doing even better than he had been at the end
of the first day.
Thanks from all of us!
Laura T... [, North Potomac, Maryland]
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 18:01:11 +0000
Subject: Pedal Magic Success
Dear Mr. Joules,
I want to thank you for making this video available! My
husband and I were truly amazed to see our daughter learn to
ride a bike so quickly. She is eight and we had not had any
success in teaching her to ride over the last two years. In
desperation, I began searching the internet for any tips that
might help me and discovered your home page.
I didn't time her, but I know she was riding in under 10
minutes and we were all thrilled. She is so proud. We have a 5
year old who is on training wheels but plan to start working on
the exercises you recommend to make the transition so he can
learn to ride. Your product is wonderful.
Thank you.
Shevawn B... [, Newport News, Virginia]
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 18:38:26 +0000
Subject: Very satisfied customer
Dear Mr. Joules,
I ordered "Pedal Magic" from you on Feb.4, 97
(order #9..-...-...). We watched the tape right away, but didn't
get a chance to try it out until today, because first my son
(age 8 1/2) had the flu, then I didn't feel well for a few days.
Today was the first day we had time to try your method.
I must say, I was flabbergasted. I really didn't think he
could catch on in 5 minutes or less. But he did! In about 5
minutes, he was riding! YOU are a genius!
He rode his bike when we first got it, with the training
wheels, but luckily he didn't ride it very much, so he hadn't
had the bad habits of training wheels too entrenched. We took
off the training wheels a few months ago (as suggested in your
web page), and I spent one frustrating day trying to teach him
to ride without the training wheels, but he wasn't making much
progress and it was very discouraging to me. Right after that,
my husband found your web page again and suggested we order the
tape. I was skeptical, but figured it was worth a try. If it
worked, it would certainly be worth the cost of the tape.
I want to thank you and add one more testimonial to your
reviews. We are very happy and amazed that it worked so well.
Marcy L... [, Montrose, California]
To whom it may concern:
This letter is in reference to your video entitled
"Pedal Magic" which we recently purchased through the
Tattered Cover bookstore. Our seven year old son learned to ride
his bike with training wheels, but was extremely hesitant about
riding on just two wheels! Our family had tried everything
imaginable, but without much success.
One evening while watching television, my husband listened to
a news broadcast regarding your bike training system and we
thought we would give it a try. To our amazement, Brian learned
to ride his two-wheeler in just one day using the tips included
in your video tape!! We are extremely grateful to your company
for providing parents with another option for instilling
self-confidence in their youngsters. Thanks again for a great
Denise S... [,Lakewood, Colorado]
You have a satisfied customer!!
We went to the American Reformed Church parking lot and he had
immediate success. He was extremely proud and so was his dad. I
have been gone to the East Coast for 10 days and hope we can
give it another go tonight.
Thanks for the great idea. If you need me for a testimonial, let
me know. He had been using training wheels and still rode
quickly after we did the initial exercises. He's gifted like his
Best wishes on this venture. I think it's a winner. Let me know
how your response is.
Jay W.
Orange City, IA
Good Morning,
I wanted to respond to your inquiry while this is fresh in my
mind and I have a moment.
My wife was gone so my 3 year old daughter, my son Aaron (6) and
myself sat down and watched the video. He was not a willing
participant at first. At the beginning when the video was laying
out safety rules and setting up, he was still whining. After the
technique was laid out he began to tune in. We only watched the
video once. It was going to be dark soon so I thought we would
give it a go.
We rode to a flat parking lot and did the technique. We reviewed
everything and began. He wanted to put his feet down on the
second exercise. I had to emphasize to him that he needed to
trust me and I would not let him fall. After I felt he was
comfortable with both, about 5-8 minutes, We tried a solo
launch. He rode across the parking lot his first time. He was
distracted by a boy playing basketball near the lot. He is
self-conscious and did not want anyone to see him. If he was not
concentrating, he would falter. He also did not always pedal
constantly and would stop if he concentrated only on the
steering. Practice will improve this.
I am extremely pleased with this video. My son has had training
wheels for two summers and is not comfortable trying new,
unfamiliar things. He was able to understand the video, go out
with me and practice the technique and rode unassisted the first
time he was launched. Thanks Reginald.
Jay W.
Northwestern College Orange City, IA